Saturday, February 14, 2009

Indigenous Fashion website launched!

Yet another way to celebrate the latest in Indigenous Fashion! Check out this latest website created by Northern Styles to inform interested readers about the world of Aboriginal Fashion.

Charm Logan and I were at a panel of leading Canadian fashion representatives this winter. When Charm asked how would the organizers of L'Oreal fashion week events would ensure Aboriginal designers would be showcased - we were shocked and upset when Jeannie Becker from Fashion Television declare that "...natives don't have fashion they have costumes - and there is not place for costumes in fashion." She seemed proud to report she had recently bought a park of muk-luks in Winnipeg and they were made by a white woman. becomes a pro-active way of seeing past the limited vision of mainstream fashion respresentatives - and important medium to ensure Aboriginal fashion designers are acknowledged for their diverse and unique contributions to the world of fashion.

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